16 August 2013

Claire Cottrill

Thought I'd share with you guys a certain Youtube artist to make up for my lack of recent posts! Claire Cottrill has a really relaxing voice that somehow reminds me of Colbie Caillat's. The video above has got to be my favorite cover of hers. She covers a lot of songs in the indie/folk genre, such as Bon Iver and Mumford & Sons. You can listen to her original song, 'Hurricane' by clicking here. Happy listening! ♡


  1. She's so pretty and she's good at singing... well another addition to the factors of the lowering of my self esteem.. HAHAHA I hope you get to post more posts (redundancy sigh) soon! :)


  2. Is it weird that I see a resemblance between you two? And I agree, she does seem to be like Colbie Caillat's long lost sister.


  3. I love her voice! She's so cool! She's like an angel ahah
